EPiC Martial Arts


Website Design



One of the UK’s leading Martial Arts & Fitness companies got in touch with us because they needed help improving their online presence in order to promote their 7 locations, competitions, camps and product range. We helped them do exactly that!

Our Solution

Website Design

We worked with them to develop a strategy for their new website design. It needed to be simple, but effective, highlighting the high energy of their brand, team and classes, whilst promoting their 7 locations. So that’s what we did, we optimised their website for their visitors and existing members to find exactly what they needed with as little effort as possible, all whilst focussing on promoting their gyms and classes. We utilised the high energy and vibrance of the yellow colour in their branding to demonstrate that energy without being overbearing.


The goal of promoting their gym locations and classes was the priority of the SEO work, so we devised a strategy to target their different locations using local SEO keywords for their gyms and classes alike. The results? A growth in visitors online and in their gyms with more classes and products being sold than ever before.